Stavite OVO u svoju kuću i nikada više nećete vidjeti muhe ili komarce

Stavite ovo u svoju kuću i mikada više nećete vidjeti komarce, muhe ili žohare.

Sve što nam je potrebno kako bi napravili ovaj mali eksperiment je sledeće:

– Tri kašićice mljevene kafe
– dva lista lovorovog lista narezana na nekoliko dijelova
– dvije kašičice mljevene paprike

Eksplozivno rješenje za tanku kosu: rezultati za samo 7 dana!
U nastavku pogledajte video kako ovo stvarno djeluje:

BONUS RECEPT: NO-BAKE SAND CAKE: Definitely one of the fastest and tastiest cakes…

If you also need a quick creamy cake, without baking, then this is the right recipe for you.
A wonderful combination of pudding with plasma, walnuts and coconut, will delight everyone. The cake is a real little bomb.
If you prepare a cake, write your impressions in the comments.
The recipe for the bonus video is below in the description.

From the ingredients we will need:

1 liter of milk
10-15 spoons of sugar (according to your taste)
4 bags (160 g) of Vanilla flavored pudding
100 g of coconut flour
160 g of ground walnuts
160 g of ground plasma
125 g Butter
My advice is to add coconut, plasma and walnuts to the pudding, then add or subtract a few grams if necessary.
**Mold 24 cm

DECORATION (you can choose slag, chocolate ganache…) I used:

200 ml Sweet sour cream
100 g of chocolate
40 g of ground biscuit
20 g of ground walnuts
Coke flour
Watch the preparation instructions in the video:

Enjoy this pesak cake too.

Source: CookKing


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